IGD with The Knowledge Bank – The impact of HFSS and how to engage shoppers

Webinar Online

Join us on 8 June at 1400hrs BST for the fourth of our knowledge webinar series, in collaboration with IGD. At this session, IGD Experts Rhian Thomas and Lucy Ingram will translate the - England only - regulations regarding High Fat Salt Sugar (HFSS) products. What will the impact be on promotional location and tactics, [...]

Exploring London Webinar

Webinar Online

The Knowledge Bank, in partnership with the UK Market Development team at Scotland Food & Drink will be hosting a webinar on Monday 20th June at 2.30pm: ‘Exploring London’. The webinar will take a deep dive into the London market including take home grocery and out of home channels, and a focus on the London-centric [...]

Health & Wellness Opportunities in Dairy – Webinar

‘The Knowledge Bank would like to invite you to the Dairy Health & Wellness webinar presented by Allene Bruce from New Nutrition Business.  The webinar will cover a variety of trends and opportunities  within the sphere of health within the UK, North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The presentation should also give some [...]

Maximising Provenance

Provenance is an important attribute when selling and marketing Scottish products and brands. The Knowledge Bank carried out some research to explore why it is so important, what it means to consumers, as well as the importance of getting the messaging right both on pack and in your marketing.  Maximising Provenance To explore the importance of provenance [...]

Organic Opportunities in the UK

“There are a variety of organic food and drink brands and products sold in the UK market both in grocery and in the out of home market. This webinar will look at the key channels and sector performance as well as highlighting successes and identifying opportunities.” “With UK sales of Organic surpassing £3bn in 2021, [...]

Travel Retail Webinar

As the world returns to the new normal and with international travel back on the cards, The Knowledge Bank has taken an in depth look at the global Travel Retail Sector which continues to evolve as more people return to airports. Alcohol, confectionery and gifting all offer opportunities in this complex sector. We will have [...]

The Knowledge Bank – Scottish Grocery Update with a focus on ALDI and Lidl

The Knowledge Bank will be hosting a webinar which will provide an update on the Scottish Grocery market including a spotlight on ALDI and Lidl's performance in Scotland. This insight has been commissioned from Kantar and is part on an ongoing programme to provide up to date insight on grocery performance.

The Knowledge Bank: Consumers and sustainability in challenging times

In this webinar, The Knowledge Bank in partnership with Kantar will look at how the cost of living crisis is impacting the consumer's view and behaviour on sustainability. Kantar will share the 2022 iteration of their excellent Who Cares Who Does research which looks not only at consumers' view on sustainability but also their action. [...]