IGD with The Knowledge Bank – The impact of HFSS and how to engage shoppers

Webinar Online

Join us on 8 June at 1400hrs BST for the fourth of our knowledge webinar series, in collaboration with IGD. At this session, IGD Experts Rhian Thomas and Lucy Ingram will translate the - England only - regulations regarding High Fat Salt Sugar (HFSS) products. What will the impact be on promotional location and tactics, [...]

Scottish Grocery Update with a focus on the Big 4 Webinar

Webinar Online

On the 25th May, The Knowledge Bank will be hosting a webinar which will provide an update on the Scottish Grocery market including a spotlight on the Big 4 grocers' performance in Scotland.  This insight has been commissioned from Kantar and is part on an ongoing programme to provide up to date insight on grocery [...]